I am Mégane Hébert,
Owner and founder of MĀLAMA
The adventure began just over five years ago, in our small three-room apartment. When I gave birth to my first daughter, I was desperately looking for a baby carrier that met my needs: simple, comfortable and stylish. After buying many baby carriers, I was still unsatisfied. I was looking for the perfect baby carrier. Unable to find it, I decided to create it myself. I spent hours, weeks and months crafting what would become the most comfy baby carrier on the market.
Juggling university and the reality of being a mom, I stopped counting the number of days and nights I knelt on the living room floor of our tiny apartment, drawing patterns, cutting fabrics and doing trial-and-error. We literally lived surrounded by my thousand and one fabrics, my sewing machine, my ironing board, my sewing tools, my textbooks, name it!
It took me a little over three years before I finally succeeded in designing the perfect baby carrier. The one who fully corresponded to the mission I had given to myself. Between three pregnancies, long studies and numerous moving, we finally put the first Mālama baby carriers on sale in April 2021.
This baby carrier means much more than a simple object for our family… It is a way that will allow us to connect on another level with our babies. It provides comfort and security for our babies and allows pleasant freedom for parents. It has become a every day must here! For these reasons, I wanted to share this creation with all the moms and dads of this world.
It is heartwarming to know that Mālama helps create long-lasting memories tainted with love and tenderness with your children.
The company is, to date, in full boom, primarily thanks to you. Thanks to all our loyal customers who share their love for Mālama with their colleagues, friends and families. We are infinitely grateful for your trust. Every order is shipped with a massive amount of gratitude to you.
We welcome you to the Mālama community!